View Full Version : please help puzzle 20

16 Jan 2011, 19:52
hi everybody, i was quite glad to manage puzzles so far without any help but after over 1hour i can t figure out.
i tried to punch my other worms to send it to the other side but no success.
There is a mine at the top and i can t figure out to get it.
please put me out of my misery.
thanks in advance

16 Jan 2011, 23:59
hi everybody, i was quite glad to manage puzzles so far without any help but after over 1hour i can t figure out.
i tried to punch my other worms to send it to the other side but no success.
There is a mine at the top and i can t figure out to get it.
please put me out of my misery.
thanks in advance

First, set your girder vertical at the top of the rightmost hill.
Position your second worm below the mine up above and kamikaze straight up.
What should happen is that your kamikaze worm will, while flying straight up, will hit the mine causing it to go into the canyon (your girder should prevent it from just flying off into the water) where it will bounce around and then detonate the barrels and send the enemy kareening into the water.

It'll take a few tries to get the exact positions of your worm and girder down, but you can do it. Hope this helps!