View Full Version : Why is "Bandit" censored?

19 Oct 2010, 17:46
I can't use that for my name :O it replaces it with asterix characters :( I'm after using the name banditos which from my understanding, is a lollie.

28 Oct 2010, 10:48
Does it still censor it if you change your name in your win.ini file? It's found under the heading [Net Settings] (should be in c:\windows\win.ini).

Still, why the heck is it censored?

28 Oct 2010, 15:48
Team17's wordfilter contains many odd entries... maybe we should look into cleaning it up somewhat.

28 Oct 2010, 21:20
Team17's wordfilter contains many odd entries... maybe we should look into cleaning it up somewhat.

Oh, please do so. It even censors "scum". Some people thought I was swearing at them when I was just kidding around...

29 Oct 2010, 00:04
Team17's wordfilter contains many odd entries... maybe we should look into cleaning it up somewhat.
Could you post this somewhere for the amusement factor maybe? I remember finding a few that I found really strange, and I can't for the life of me remember what

29 Oct 2010, 04:35
"Bandit" is banned? Why would you do that to my cat?

29 Oct 2010, 08:30
Could you post this somewhere for the amusement factor maybe? I remember finding a few that I found really strange, and I can't for the life of me remember what
Someone like you should be able to figure it out by yourself ;) They're stored in Data\filter.FTR but you'll need to "decrypt" it first.

8 Nov 2010, 00:20
Decrypted for Muzer's amusement.
'lovetruncheon' and 'porksword' are among my favourites.

someone help me with the last one on the list:
_ L _ _ T

8 Nov 2010, 00:27
It's "3l33t".

8 Nov 2010, 02:03
hahahaha, some of them are really funny to read xD
I mean...."lovetunnel"? :P

8 Nov 2010, 12:16
"Slash" is censored? And "toss"? And, of course, "bandit"?

Although I think the best thing is that "butt" is censored, but not "ass". Also, that there's absolutely no censorship on breasts except "cleavage".

8 Nov 2010, 17:36
Because ass is:

a) US English
b) A word meaning donkey

9 Nov 2010, 05:16
balonypony?! first person to explain THAT to me gets a point!

9 Nov 2010, 06:12
Urban dictionary has known it (http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Baloney+Pony) since '03

9 Nov 2010, 09:23
I really, really wish I could unread that.
*reaches for the brain bleach (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/BrainBleach)*

9 Nov 2010, 21:09
"slash" is also censored, always thought that was strange lol

9 Nov 2010, 21:20

ooooooooooooooooooooooh i get it

9 Nov 2010, 22:04
This forum isn't urbandictionary :rolleyes: I think we're done.