View Full Version : WA 4 Water Transparency (Third Wave)?

8 Sep 2010, 21:29
WA has five layers of water. Will it be possible to make the third and central layer semi-transparent, because it obscures land and other objects behind it (like mines)?

It could be done like this - make the third wave 50% transparent; then add a copy of it in the same position, but like the fourth and fifth background waves, behind all of the other objects. Complete with a drawing:


This would be a really simple solution and I'm sure a lot of players will be appreciative if it was added. I hope it is considered. ;D

8 Sep 2010, 22:01
Oh yes please. I actually LOVE WR's water implementation.

8 Sep 2010, 22:21
The problem is that there isn't actually that much land under the third wave. Making it transparent would allow you to see the bottom of the map, and some free space under it, which isn't pretty... so, we'd have to lower the map further down (or "raising" the water). But that would confuse people who are used to the current water and have a good feeling of how "deep" you can safely walk...

8 Sep 2010, 22:36
Oh, okay, I got it. Thanks for the reply nonetheless.

9 Sep 2010, 01:26
You can make all the waves transparent if you want.....but it isnt that estetic, you know

9 Sep 2010, 14:09
And in case you're wondering how to do that, it's on Cybershadow's site

9 Sep 2010, 14:31
The problem is that there isn't actually that much land under the third wave. Making it transparent would allow you to see the bottom of the map, and some free space under it, which isn't pretty... so, we'd have to lower the map further down (or "raising" the water). But that would confuse people who are used to the current water and have a good feeling of how "deep" you can safely walk...
Have you tried adding an extra foreground wave above the current highest foreground wave and making it transparent? I mean, just to see how it'd look.

9 Sep 2010, 18:35
That's basically what I asked for in my first post, and from what I understood from CyberShadow's post, it'd look a bit like this:


9 Sep 2010, 18:44
Plasma meant adding an additional, fourth semitransparent wave on top of the existing three.

But then we'll obscure even more land with a new semitransparent wave.

9 Sep 2010, 21:17
I would have thought the best way to acheive this would be to smooth off the bottom of the terrain, essentually making the water just off the bottom of it blend in to the water colour, a bit like a reflection getting more blue as it goes down. It would however make knowing where the land ends even harder :p

10 Sep 2010, 00:21
So after I laboured long and hard to improve myself as a sentient individual and kicked the habit of using transparent water waves because some of the community's most esteemed members decided that it was a light form of cheating, you're now campaigning to completely undo my feeling of accomplishment and superiority over those who haven't been able to do the same? I see! :eek:

Well, I'm half kidding, but you get the idea. Falling into holes at the bottom of the map can be avoided and is an important skill in every good default player's repertoire, whereas stumbling upon nearly invisible mines down there is just plain hilarious. I simply don't think changing the behaviour and the way the community sees it is worth the risk of potentially making the gameplay more shallow, even if only by a little bit.

10 Sep 2010, 03:27
potentially making the gameplay more shallowI see what you did there :D