View Full Version : Sony exclusive hats

8 Sep 2010, 15:28
Are these possibly coming to PC sometime? I want the Lemming hat really really bad :(

http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc4/hs431.snc4/47424_463568173063_64566768063_6598481_7351350_n.j pg


8 Sep 2010, 15:30
I don't understand the use of your topic.

What part of 'Sony-exclusive' is that hard to understand?

8 Sep 2010, 15:35
What do I know? Recently many "exclusive" things went over to other consoles.

8 Sep 2010, 17:13
Okay, I can get that you might think that just because bonus content is exclusive to one platforms doesn't mean it might later be added to other platforms. That's fine. That's unlikely, but common enough to be considered. What I don't get is why you think that that might still happen when the bonus content is all copyrighted by that platform's company!

8 Sep 2010, 18:43
Would be great if we could add our own hats, maybe not show online, but still would be a nice addition to the customization.

8 Sep 2010, 19:52
Yeah, they are Sony Exclusive (what the hell has the 4th hat on the left got to do with sony, though) I would so wear the modnation racers hat.

9 Sep 2010, 14:02
Modnation Racers? The hats are from games listed below

Motorstorm (probably the one you meant)

9 Sep 2010, 14:18
what the hell has the 4th hat on the left got to do with sony, though

I would so wear the modnation racers hat.
Err... isn't Modnation Racers notable for having complete character customisation and no proper mascot or recognisable character? I'm a little confused as to how you can have a hat version of that.

9 Sep 2010, 16:48
Err... isn't Modnation Racers notable for having complete character customisation and no proper mascot or recognisable character? I'm a little confused as to how you can have a hat version of that.

What do you think it is then? I merely guessed there

9 Sep 2010, 16:57
I'm guessing... the game where that helmet is a part of the logo/wordmark.


Just a hunch.

9 Sep 2010, 17:48
If Sony allowed them to include those hats in other versions then it would be free advertising for those games.

9 Sep 2010, 20:04
Did people just completely miss my post?

Regardless, I'd love to use that Lemming hair.

9 Sep 2010, 23:01
What I don't get is why you think that that might still happen when the bonus content is all copyrighted by that platform's company!

Sony sells PCs too, though I also can't see how Sony could be convinced to license them for PC.

10 Sep 2010, 11:34
Sony sells PCs too

Did you just imply that you thought Sony licenses IPs as bonus content like this... to sell the consoles?

10 Sep 2010, 12:31
No, more like the opposite. I'm saying that Sony being the platform's company is not that significant.

10 Sep 2010, 16:00
Except that it does mean they get a cut from all the sales. That's what I meant the first time.

10 Sep 2010, 22:40
Except that it does mean they get a cut from all the sales. That's what I meant the first time.

Ignoring the name, is this version the same as Worms Reloaded?

11 Sep 2010, 02:52
Ignoring the name, is this version the same as Worms Reloaded?

From the trailers, it looks exactly the same, although I don't know if customization will be the same. Not that it matters, since customization in WR isn't that great anyway.

11 Sep 2010, 20:35
If anything, it will be better because it'll be actually optimized for the platform it's on...

12 Sep 2010, 05:43
They're not even that good looking, like nothing special really