View Full Version : WWP Mission Color Maps

5 Aug 2010, 00:08
Well, I've resurfaced yet again! I've gotten a bunch of my friends into Worms: Armageddon and we play matches together pretty periodically. Athough we've dabbled in custom schemes and shoppa, we generally prefer vanilla gameplay. Thanks to the joys of WormNAT2, I've been able to host our shenannigans.

I recall seeing a download link somewhere here previously, but I can't find it now. It was a link to a .zip file, perhaps from Etho's website, that contained images of all the maps used in WWP's missions. I enjoyed importing those into W:A for their artistic qualities, although in retrospect I think many of them played better as well.

Anybody have this on hand? Assuming it's legal, of course.

5 Aug 2010, 00:25
Do you still have your WWP CD? If so, you can just copy the .img files from the WWP CD to User\SavedLevels under your W:A installation directory, and load them in the map editor. You can even re-save them as PNG this way.

5 Aug 2010, 02:04
Yeah, I still have my WWP CD. Before posting this thread, I actually had tried copying them to a Data\Image directory in my W:A installation to try and emulate the folder structure on the disc. Clearly didn't work out too well. :P

Putting them in SavedLevels worked. Thanks.