View Full Version : E3 2010.

15 Jun 2010, 03:14
Figured I might as well make a new thread for it.

I didn't watch Microsoft's or EA's, but from what I've read they weren't that interesting.

Notable things from Microsoft:

-Kinect games suck.
-Kinnect as an interface for controlling the dashboard and other features seems interesting.
-New slim Xbox 360, 250GB HD, built in wireless, "silent as a PS3"(their words). $299 price tag. Out this week.
-Partnership with CoD developers, pretty much all dlc for CoD games will appear first on the 360 for the next three years, no mention of how long the delay will be for PS3/PC users to get the content.
-ESPN will broadcast content and will interact with Kinect, allows you to use voice commands to trigger replays, and you can submit your comments and participate in polls and stuff in real life. Or at least that's what I got from the very little I read about it.
-Gameplay trailers for Gears3, Halo:Reach, etc etc. Nothing new as far as I know, except for some gladiators game by crytek but only a short, unninformative teaser was shown.
-Microsoft is giving all attendants to the conference a brand new slim Xbox 360, possibly to make up for the crappy press event?
edit: forgot this. Castlevania HD. (http://kotaku.com/5563464/castlevania-hd-screens-are-a-sight-for-sore-eyes/gallery/)

Notable things from EA:
-Gameplay trailers for a bunch of games, nothing that hadn't been announced before as far as I know.
-Crysis 2 goes 3d on all consoles.

Notable things from Ubisoft:
-Innergy. A clone of Nintendo's Vitality sensor, except in this case they actually tell us what it's for: Removing stress. Allegedly imroves your lifestile, can take your device anywhere and use it on any pc, maybe consoles too, didn't pay much attention. They just showed breathing excersizes. HOW EXCITING.
-Some excersize game, and some tai-chi game or something, for kinnect. Both lame.
-Assasin's Creed Brotherhood. Looks pretty good.
-More rabing rabbids... ugh.
-Game by Rez creator, for Kinect. The only Kinect game that actually looks interesting. Codenamed Children of Eden.
-Downloadable game codenamed Dust. Something about playing with the forces of nature. Looks pretty cool. (http://kotaku.com/5563523/another-world-creator-back-with-a-new-game-project-dust)
-Downloadable Rayman game, called Rayman Origins. 2d platformer, looks fun. Lot's of silly stuff happening in the trailer.
-Maniaplanet, by the creators of Trackmania. Apparently lets users create their own games, whether they are racers, fps's or rpg's.
-New Driver game, apparently the character you control is actually in a coma so you can switch cars mid persecution, provided you fill some gauge or something. Strange.
-Shawn White Snowboarding: Tony Hawk meets deBlob meets Jet Set Radio. Sort of.
-Ghost Recon Future Soldier. Looks cool.

If anyone has anything to add, feel free. So far it's been lackluster, I have the sneaky suspicion Nintendo might actually steal the show this year. Sony will hopefully also have interesting stuff down their sleves. Move cannot possibly be worse than Kinect...

JUST LOOK AT THIS FOR GLODS SAKE. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oIq1vnKZxIs&feature=related)
You might want to lower the volume for that video.

15 Jun 2010, 04:58
Kinnect is a COMPLETE waste of time as anything other than a user interface, but it's a REALLY DAMN COOL user interface. playing movies, TV, etc with it looks awesome as hell. playing video games? no so much.

I'm hoping Sony's presentation is a little more Moving.

15 Jun 2010, 06:41
-Kinnect as an interface for controlling the dashboard and other features seems interesting.

Is there a video of just this anywhere? It actually sounds interesting.

15 Jun 2010, 07:30
Is there a video of just this anywhere? It actually sounds interesting.I'm looking youtube and I don't see any decent videos of it. you'll have to wait until the whole conference is up for on demand over the next couple days, I guess.

15 Jun 2010, 07:38
Is there a video of just this anywhere? It actually sounds interesting.


However, take it with a grain of salt as this presentations tend to be rigged. :p (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n_y1-xAXv4g&feature=related)

15 Jun 2010, 08:26
Forgot about this

15 Jun 2010, 10:09
Is it just me or does Microsoft copy Nintendo alot?
Kinectimals = Nintendogs
Kinect sports = Wii Sports
Fitness thing = Wii Fit

Looking forward for the rest of the show. You can watch them live on GameTrailers btw.

15 Jun 2010, 12:09
The Rayman Origins trailer looks interesting, but it seems to portray him as some kind of absolute retard.

15 Jun 2010, 12:31

"and the best part is, no controller required"

I dont really understand this?

15 Jun 2010, 12:51
"and the best part is, no controller required"

I dont really understand this?

Kinect is a steroscopic camera which is used as the interface, so you don't need a gamepad, i.e controller.

15 Jun 2010, 13:48
It looks 5x easier to just use a damn controller. Also Kenectimals is a terrible name for a game and the Xbox slim isn't even much smaller than the original.

Here's hoping the Playstation Move is better than this gimmick.

15 Jun 2010, 13:53
Of course it's easier. I mean, who wants to wave their hands in front of the TV like a retarted? And how will the Kinect know when you want to do a comand or you're just moving your hands to scratch your head or kill a fly
This seems to only work on very casual games, and they're mostly crap

15 Jun 2010, 13:58
As if it couldn't get any worse, you've got this awful Star Wars game.


15 Jun 2010, 15:01
Is it just me or does Microsoft copy Nintendo alot?
Kinectimals = Nintendogs
Kinect sports = Wii Sports
Fitness thing = Wii Fit

At least their motion controller isn't literally a wimote with a ball on the end.

'This changes everything' indeed, Sony.

It looks like both the Microsoft and sony presentations are going to be bogged down with gimmicky motion games this year. The wii's been doing it's thing for half a decade now and you can count the number of games with well implimented motion controlls on your toes. It's painful to see the HD twins handle them just as poorly.

I don't expect Nintendo's conference to be any better than last year, I hope everyone's ready for more Juicy vitality sensor info!:p

But I guess we've got the new Zelda reveal and the 3DS to look forward too at least.

15 Jun 2010, 16:19
The Rayman Origins trailer looks interesting, but it seems to portray him as some kind of absolute retard.

Well I guess because its called Origins and seems to be based before Rayman 1, it would only make sense if he is a retard. Certainly seems like its going to be a really wacky game but in a good way, this should kick the crap out of Sonic 4

15 Jun 2010, 16:22
You can watch them live on GameTrailers btw.or just watch it on YouTube.com/e3

At least their motion controller isn't literally a wimote with a ball on the end.fair enough point here, but at least you CAN make a decent game with a wiimote. I still think it's likely to be gimmicky, but at least not so severely gimmicky as the Kinect. I'm just hoping Sony makes something that isn't fitness or casual with theirs.

But I guess we've got the new Zelda reveal and the 3DS to look forward too at least.Nintendo could have a decent showing this year. they're beyond the point of boring advertisement for the Wii, so we SHOULD be seeing mostly games. assuming they don't tell us how rich they are again...

15 Jun 2010, 18:07
Rayman Origins

So this game is kinda... um... er... well first of all, I don't like it when long-running series suddenly go back in time and show you how their hero was born (like it happened to Spyro as well, for example). I DON'T want to know that for a reason I don't know.
Second thing is... why did Rayman change his behaviour? In the preview games he was a cool and logic-thinking opposite to Globox, and now they are both friggin' retards.

But anyway, the game itself looks like fun, according to Globox it even includes co-op play. And it is set in Rayman's world and not ours :)
and no Rabbids either, though I wouldn't care

15 Jun 2010, 18:14
Kinect is a steroscopic camera which is used as the interface, so you don't need a gamepad, i.e controller.
I know that, I meant this:
It looks 5x easier to just use a damn controller.

15 Jun 2010, 18:24


-DONKEY KONG COUNTRY RETURNS. 3d graphics, 2d gameplay ala NSMBWii. Looks pretty much like the DKC games on the SNES, shows rope swinging, barrel blasting and mine kart levels. By Retro studios. Diddy Kong appears as well, no mention of co-op, one can only hope.
-New Zelda gameplay.
-New Kirby game, something to do with yarn. Everything looks like it's made of yarn, kirby grabs things with a... string of yarn? It looks... well, different.
-Golden Sun is still comming.
-Golden Eye Wii.
-Metroid Other M gameplay.
-Epic Mickey gameplay.
-Nintendo 3DS. 3D screen, no glasses. There's a slider to adjust the 3d effect, I'm guessing to adjust the viewing distance, you can even turn the effect off with the slider. Graphics look gamecube/wii quality. 3d Hollywood movies comming to the 3DS. Has three cameras, one standard one in the front, two on the back to take 3d photos you can later view on the 3ds. It has a 3D Widescreen display on the top, regular touchscreen on the bottom. Looks a lot like the DSi. Analog Nub on the left on top of the D-Pad. Launch game? Kid Icarus. It looks... AWESOME. They talk about companies developing games for it, and games they are apparently bringing to the 3DS. Stuff like Resident Evil, Metal Gear Solid... Saints Row?!? Looks like there'll be plenty of games for the hardcore. Nintendogs is back, in 3d, now with... CATS! Eat that, Kinectimals!

So... unless Sony have something amazing, NINTENDO WINS THIS E3.

There was apparently no mention of the Vitality sensor... or I missed it?

15 Jun 2010, 18:24
ok, so Nintendo actually put on a REALLY good show!

I'm really interested in the new Kid Icarus as it looks like an interesting take on a shooter game.

and, as a huge kirby fan, I'm glad to see a new one after so long.

15 Jun 2010, 18:27
There was apparently no mention of the Vitality sensor... or I missed it?oh wow. I'd forgotten through all the big name nintendo characters coming back.

odd that they wouldn't mention it at all.

15 Jun 2010, 18:28
ok, so Nintendo actually put on a REALLY good show!

I'm really interested in the new Kid Icarus as it looks like an interesting take on a shooter game.

and, as a huge kirby fan, I'm glad to see a new one after so long.

Don't expect the usual kind of gameplay with Kirby tho. It's still a platformer, but I didn't see kirby absorbe anything during the whole video, and it looks really slow-paced. I honestly wasn't sold on the idea, but who knows. Maybe when more info surfaces...

15 Jun 2010, 18:33
Don't expect the usual kind of gameplay with Kirby tho. It's still a platformer, but I didn't see kirby absorbe anything during the whole video, and it looks really slow-paced. I honestly wasn't sold on the idea, but who knows. Maybe when more info surfaces...oh I noticed the same things. but Nintendo hasn't done me wrong yet. I'll give this new kirby a shot.

also? Nintendo press conference is still going at http://e3.nintendo.com/

15 Jun 2010, 18:33
Nintendo announced many things I'm sure many people are excited about (including me) regarding games and their new handheld is indeed going to have a 3D display without the need to wear glasses. They have a slider you can use to gradually adjust the level of depth.

The Legend Of Zelda: Skyward (or Upward) Sword for instance.

edit: fffff at this thread being highly active >.> I only managed to watch from the 3DS onwards.

15 Jun 2010, 19:17
Dammit, I missed it again

15 Jun 2010, 19:37
donkey kong country returns

15 Jun 2010, 19:39
You forgot to mention Paper Mario and Starfox.

I don't know how you forgot to mention Paper Mario and Starfox.

Also, I completely forgot this thread existed earlier, hence the E3-related comment in the Game Gabbin' thread.

Edit: Also, it takes some SERIOUS mangrit to attempt to turn Kirby, one of the most well-known franchises... into this! (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KvULlC9c7xg)

That's not sarcasm! I'm genuinely impressed!

15 Jun 2010, 20:32
ok. Sorcery for the PS Move impressed the heck out of me. anyone else?

15 Jun 2010, 20:44
Oh god I don't know why I haven't followed the video feed yet, but this is really looking nice, especially for the Nintendo part!

15 Jun 2010, 21:10

15 Jun 2010, 21:26
Gabe newell on sony's conference.

Portal 2 coming to ps3, will have steam cloud and automatic updates.


15 Jun 2010, 21:45
twisted metal is making a comeback!? :eek:

15 Jun 2010, 21:49
I'm a little late to the party here, but HOLY **** Niintendo's 3DS press pack.

New Paper mario!

Looks like it's going back to basics and is that a Chainchomp helper I see?

New pilotwings!

About ****ing time.


First look at inevitable mariokart 3DS. Looks pretty early, no map on the bottom screen.

Also the new Zelda looks like it's sporting a style halfway between Wind Waker and Twilight Princess. the motion plus swordfighting looks worlds better than the vague shaking TP made you do. C'mon nintendo, show me what you can really do this time.

Gabe newell on sony's conference.

Portal 2 coming to ps3, will have steam cloud and automatic updates.


OMG wat.

15 Jun 2010, 21:51
I'm a little late to the party here, but HOLY **** Niintendo's 3DS press pack.wow. I didn't see Paper Mario!

Also the new Zelda looks like it's sporting a style halfway between Wind Waker and Twilight Princess. the motion plus swordfighting looks worlds better than the vague shaking TP made you do. C'mon nintendo, show me what you can really do this time. and yeah. I love the new art style. not too cartoony, not too realistic. suits Zelda PERFECTLY.

15 Jun 2010, 21:53
sony conference over....no Last Guardian.....what....the...****.....

15 Jun 2010, 22:03
So, Sony's Conference. Not that impressive, not too many surprises. But had it's moments.

-GladOS interrupted Tretton, I was like WAT. Then Gabe came out and I SHAT A BRICK.
-Kevin Butler, giving an epic speech.
-Sly Cooper Collection.
-Twisted Metal on PS3
-Sorcery, PS Move game, looks interesting.
-Sony loves montages. I don't.
-Bunch of trailers for games.
-GT5 finally gets a release date, Nov 2.
-Gabe thanking Sony for hospitality, also for not punching him in the face repeatedly.
-Heroe's on the Move. Move game, crossover of Jak and Daxter, Sly Cooper and Ratchet and Clank.
-And as I mentioned, Portal 2 on PS3, supports Steam Cloud and will have automatic updates. Also a trailer was shown for the game. Looks awesome.
-Expecting PSP2? No dice. Instead, we get... a new PSP ad campaing, that looks as stupid as all previous ones. LAME.

Lack of Last Guardian: Unsettling. Was hoping for Team Ico collection... well, E3 is just starting, I still have hope.

15 Jun 2010, 22:08
What's the agenda?

15 Jun 2010, 22:09

OOT on 3DS.

edit oh and starfox 64.

Full remakes too, judging by these pics. Portable Oot. I have no words.

15 Jun 2010, 22:35
Sony's side was very... meh. Even with (only owns one shirt) Gabe.

I suppose it's not actually bad in itself, but it was MASSIVELY overshadowed by Nintendo's conference.

Also, RE: Ocarina Of Time
How... strange.

Strange as in that they're definitely official, the images coming from Nintendo's site, but... it's not actually listed on the site.


15 Jun 2010, 22:38
Nintendo is kind of annoying me by the term 3DS because now we have to say the full "3DS Max" to refer to this (http://usa.autodesk.com/adsk/servlet/pc/index?siteID=123112&id=13567410), but oh well. Sucks that you can't really see the 3d effect in pictures... someone needs to make one of those stereoscopic images where you cross your eyes for magic.

Also, when Gabe Newell came on stage, did he say "Hi, my name is Gabe Newell, and welcome to the Sony press conference"? Because I sure hope so.

New Zelda trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=alsWeDp_z0k

Art style looks wonderful, but the last few Zelda games Nintendo's made were really disappointing for me. Hopefully they're back on form.

16 Jun 2010, 00:33
Nintendo wins. FATALITY!

16 Jun 2010, 05:04

OOT on 3DS.

edit oh and starfox 64.

Full remakes too, judging by these pics. Portable Oot. I have no words.

Theres been rumours the new handheld is as powerful as a Gamecube so if that is true then they probably just emulate it with a High Resolution Texture Pack included.

edit: I hope they fixed the pointer in the new Zelda game so you can turn it off but STILL AIM PROPERLY when using things like bows and stuff instead of it forcing you to then use the analog controls.

16 Jun 2010, 05:30
Art style looks wonderful, but the last few Zelda games Nintendo's made were really disappointing for me. Hopefully they're back on form.well, Aonuma says that the last few zelda games have "focused too much on things like story and dungeons" and that Skyward Sword "will instead focus on the fun".

Theres been rumours the new handheld is as powerful as a Gamecube so if that is true then they probably just emulate it with a High Resolution Texture Pack included.well if you look at Kid Icarus, the textures look about like they do on a gamecube game. unfortunately, that's awkward to compare because the screen resolution of the 3DS makes screen caps still look only about as good as an N64.

Sony's side was very... meh. Even with (only owns one shirt) Gabe.

I suppose it's not actually bad in itself, but it was MASSIVELY overshadowed by Nintendo's conference.there is nothing that WOULDN'T be overshadowed by Nintendo's conference this year. they announced a new game in EVERY SINGLE ONE of their major franchises. EVERY famous nintendo character is getting a new game. expecting someone to compete against just the nostalgia involved in that is absurd, but when you look at how GOOD nintendo games are, even now, the competition just has no hope of presenting a more interesting show.

and to any people who dislike nintendo, you can argue all you want about game quality, but you can NOT argue that all those big names getting new games being beatable in terms of presentation. those characters simply appeal to too many types of gamers.....also, you're an inhuman drone and need to be deactivated.

16 Jun 2010, 05:41
Theres been rumours the new handheld is as powerful as a Gamecube so if that is true then they probably just emulate it with a High Resolution Texture Pack included.

Apparently the 3Ds lies somewhere between the Gamecube and the Wii in the power department.

Also there's been some mixed messages regarding Oot3DS, Shigeru revealed (http://kotaku.com/5564636/nintendo-searching-back-catalogue-for-3ds-reboots)that the that the screenshots are just from a tech demo of hyrule field. However Nintendo of america just anounced the game via Twitter (http://twitter.com/nintendoamerica), but I get the impression they have no idea what they are talking about.

This is going to be the FFVII PS3 demo all over again isn't it?

16 Jun 2010, 05:48
Apparently the 3Ds lies somewhere between the Gamecube and the Wii in the power department.

Also there's been some mixed messages regarding Oot3DS, Shigeru revealed (http://kotaku.com/5564636/nintendo-searching-back-catalogue-for-3ds-reboots)that the that the screenshots are just from a tech demo of hyrule field. However Nintendo of america just anounced the game via Twitter (http://twitter.com/nintendoamerica), but I get the impression they have no idea what they are talking about.

This is going to be the FFVII PS3 demo all over again isn't it?this : Rather than simply shrug the demos off as just that, though, Nintendo's Shigeru Miyamoto has instead said that they're actively combing through their back catalogue, searching for existing games that could benefit from being ported to the 3DS, whether it be by adding new features or by simply displaying the game in 3D.

Using the Ocarina of Time demo as an example, Miyamoto said that he enjoys the openness of Hyrule field in the game, and wanted to recreate that sensation in 3D to see how people liked it.

He also says that both the Ocarina demo and Star Fox 64 3D, another concept shown off today, aren't just concept pieces specifically designed for E3. Both are being "actively developed", and while this doesn't guarantee they'll ever be released to retail, it does mean Nintendo is looking seriously at what improvements could be made to the classics to make a re-release worthwhile.

16 Jun 2010, 06:20
extended Zelda: Skyward Sword trailer http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0aDk-LCaNl0

That trailer makes the game seem **** loads better then the trailer Pigbuster linked to :P

edit: I assume it is a legit trailer.

16 Jun 2010, 06:33
extended Zelda: Skyward Sword trailer http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0aDk-LCaNl0

That trailer makes the game seem **** loads better then the trailer Pigbuster linked to :P

edit: I assume it is a legit trailer.yeah. it's legit. that's what they debuted with during the press conference.

16 Jun 2010, 06:49
another Zelda video http://kotaku.com/5564197/the-legend-of-zelda-skyward-sword-video-preview-starring-me

edit: videos and pictures of games etc. @ http://e3.nintendo.com/

16 Jun 2010, 10:45
Also there's been some mixed messages regarding Oot3DS, Shigeru revealed (http://kotaku.com/5564636/nintendo-searching-back-catalogue-for-3ds-reboots)that the that the screenshots are just from a tech demo of hyrule field. However Nintendo of america just anounced the game via Twitter (http://twitter.com/nintendoamerica), but I get the impression they have no idea what they are talking about.
Nintendo's E3 site lists Ocarina Of Time 3D as a fully-fledged game though.

16 Jun 2010, 11:12
Portal 2 Gameplay:
Part 1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5THiN8szSKM#ws
Part 2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bq2mZoKkqMw&feature=channel
Part 3: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mGlyQmmvj0w&feature=channel

First part shows some story bits. Second and third parts introduce new gameplay elements. It's lookin' good.

wigwam the
16 Jun 2010, 14:55
crossover of Jak and Daxter, Sly Cooper and Ratchet and Clank.

I can't let that f*cking slide. Is there a link to this? It wasn't mentioned anywhere. Someone even told me, and I didn't believe him. I couldn't find any evidence either.

Also, Epic Mickey looks great. They've tightened the graphics since the early screenshots.

EDIT: Oh, it's a move game, that's why I could never find it. Still sounds promising, I suppose.
Metal Gear Solid Rising's the other one I'm looking forward to. Mostly because that degree of mesh deformation is what we should be seeing more of this generation.

16 Jun 2010, 15:56
Ocarina of Time was the best game IMO

16 Jun 2010, 16:06
The PSP ad make me cry was so horrible :(

16 Jun 2010, 17:14
The PSP ad make me cry was so horrible :(lol, I actually enjoyed it. "I consume a healthy amount of suckas online daily" nearly killed me.

16 Jun 2010, 19:28
extended Zelda: Skyward Sword trailer http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0aDk-LCaNl0

I love how Link just leaps off the precipice to his death for no reason at the end. :p

16 Jun 2010, 20:02
I love how Link just leaps off the precipice to his death for no reason at the end. :p
Link lives on a floating island and that's apparently his method of reaching the 'world ruled by evil' below the clouds.

I'm betting his 'Skyward sword' let's him survive this (and also get back up there when he's finished). It's confirmed that the sword transforms into the sword lady thing from the concept art shown last E3. It is also the Master sword eventually, witch makes this the earliest game in the series.

I wonder if it's even set in hyrule this time.

16 Jun 2010, 20:08
everything about deus ex human revolution that has come out so far makes it sound amazing

16 Jun 2010, 23:09
Konami event is over. For the most part, it was boring as hell, unless you like dancing games, singing games, rap games, kinect sports games, etc. That stuff took over a half of the show. Or at least felt that long.

Then came the good stuff. Highlights:

-New Silent Hill looks interesting.
-MGS Rising, showed the same trailer from the Microsoft Event, explained a bit about the mechanics and story. Lets you cut however you like. You can choose the direction of the slice and wheter its lethal or not, also in regards to story they want to show you how raiden changed from mgs2 raiden to mgs4 raiden.
-Castlevania HD game on XBLA(already forgot it's name), showed a small teaser and talked about it. Ten million dots per screen, whatever that means. They will add more content if the game sells well. Does look nice.
-Castlevania Lords of Shadow. Game looks awesome, although not much gameplay was shown. Looks great, the voice acting is great. Definitely looking forward to it.

I'm probably missing something, I'm really tired.

Edit: Oh right, Never Dead. Er, you control a guy who dual wields guns, takes down large monsters, fast paced. Kinda DMC like. The gimmick is your guy can get cut to pieces and reasemble himself. One of the guys presenting the game did a lame trick where his head appears to fall off into his hands.