View Full Version : Worms Armageddon CrossWeavers on Mac OSX

23 Apr 2010, 21:06
OK, it seems that worms has the EXACT same problem with all other systems and there seems to be a patch for them, I can't find one for mine though.

What I have done is installed Crossweaver trial onto my fairly new MacBook Pro. I inserted my worms armageddon pc disk and crossweavers managed to install it fine onto my Mac.

The problem arose when I y'know, wanted to play the game. I load it up using codeweavers, it goes into full screen, then I am left with an empty box with the directX symbol on the top bar, taking up the whole screen (except for the sides, but y'know it doesn't have widesceen). I tried pressing the obvious buttons, when I pressed spacebar, the window disappeared and was replaced with another blank one, this time with 'Worms Armageddon' at the top. I try pressing it again and nothing happens, but when I press some of the other buttons I get some worm noises?

I've looked around and it seemed xp had the same problem of blank screen but worm noises before a patch was released, and a few people with linux have had the same problem as me, but all those solutions were in high tech speak that I couldn't gather.

I would appreciate anyone who has got armageddon running on their Mac to give me some advise.

24 Apr 2010, 02:13
Did you get past this screen? (I mean, did you see this screen correctly?)

24 Apr 2010, 02:20
That screenshot is from the installer, Lukigi already said the game installed fine.

Lukigi: try opening the Wine configuration and configuring W:A to run in a virtual desktop.

24 Apr 2010, 05:03
That screenshot is from the installer, Lukigi already said the game installed fine.

No, I mean the intro screen that will be shown before the frontend. Both screens look the same, except for the copyright text at the bottom.

24 Apr 2010, 05:47
Oh right, that's if you actually go through the intro :)

24 Apr 2010, 20:23
I don't ever get that screen unfortunately Explorer, no graphics whatsoever :(

Cybershadow, can you please run me through exactly how to do that, because I can't find anywhere to configure WINE settings :s

Thanks :)

24 Apr 2010, 21:00
OK, thanks cyber shadow, the disk is running now.

Until I click on the button that actually runs the game of worms. I can get through the menus, but when I click start, I have a black screen. Anything wrong you think?

Dammit, the menus gave me hope :/

Off topic, I also tried to install worms world party, but when I click install game in the 'sold-out' menu, NOTHING happens. At all :(

25 Apr 2010, 00:18
You need the Games version.

25 Apr 2010, 06:22
Off topic, I also tried to install worms world party, but when I click install game in the 'sold-out' menu, NOTHING happens. At all :(

Off-topic, but did launching "\Install\Install.exe" work?
(I don't have sold-out release of WWP, so I'm just guessing.)

BTW, did you install the latest beta update of WA? (

25 Apr 2010, 10:03
Off-topic, but did launching "\Install\Install.exe" work?
(I don't have sold-out release of WWP, so I'm just guessing.)

BTW, did you install the latest beta update of WA? (

Godamit, I think that may have worked, but when I go on the worms armageddon website and click anything it says:

:: welcome ::

Fatal error: Cannot use string offset as an array in /var/www/wormsarmageddon/main.html on line 95


25 Apr 2010, 11:51
Some Team17 websites are down for the weekend.
Use this direct link instead:


28 Apr 2010, 18:47
Got it all running smoothly guys, thanks for the help :D

15 May 2010, 04:38
I don't ever get that screen unfortunately Explorer, no graphics whatsoever :(

Cybershadow, can you please run me through exactly how to do that, because I can't find anywhere to configure WINE settings :s

Thanks :)

What should the wine settings for this bottle be

(well what ones did you use to make it work smooth? i had it kinda working.... just as pictures though... every time i used cmd-tab to go back it would show a still photo of where is was...)

16 May 2010, 03:12
So don't minimize or make it lose focus then.