View Full Version : Syobon Action!

19 Sep 2009, 11:03
What with the videogame bookclub thread dying the week before my turn to showcase a free game, I got annoyed and decided to open a thread especially for my game - it's that awesome. ( Maybe infamous is a better word ).

This is actually Syobon Action 2, which is SA 1 but with extra levels added after the epic ending of the original game. I hadn't realised that this had been released until i went looking for a download link, and therefore i'm only just past the end of the original game, so it's new action for me too!

Syobon Action has been dubbed "Cat-Mario" by many players - side-scrolling 2D platforming. All you do is run and jump. I prefer it to the old mario games because it's not hard in the same way - the trademark of the game is the fiendishly hilarious traps, puzzles, enemies and crafty game mechanics that keep you on your toes every step of the way. A lot of people can't figure out how to pass the first level. The unspoken challenge is to clear the game without losing a single life ( lives are infinite,and checkpoints are fairly frequent; it's not necessarily a veteran's game at all ). I achieved this with the original game some time ago. It's probably mind-numbingly difficult with the new levels added on. Good luck! It's made by some korean people, i think.

Download (http://storage.nab622.com/AbstractionBlue/Syobon_Action_2.rar)


19 Sep 2009, 11:10
I remember this. It haunts me still. D:
EDIT: And it won't damn well start. It just shows a little black window then closes. D:<

19 Sep 2009, 12:55
Don't know what to tell you, it worked fine for me... I guess you'll just have to download it from another source! I've heard about this handy tool that can help you.....Top Secret (http://www.google.com)

19 Sep 2009, 16:21
Believe me, I've used said top-secret webpage loads on this issue. And, believe it or not, I didn't get a solution O:

20 Sep 2009, 01:02
That is very unfortunate...

Here (http://www.geocities.jp/z_gundam_tanosii/home/applet/Main.html), I dug up the original game, online version. In case the download of SA2 doesn't work for anyone else :-/

4 levels of evil, instead of the rumoured 8. Personally i'm stuck like glue on level 5, couldn't figure out what to do...I guess i didn't try enough times last night. Time to play again...:cool:

21 Sep 2009, 03:13
Cool game, finished in a couple of hours with ~ -200 lives :p
End of level sections were cool, although the 2 flagpoles puzzle was a little easier than the rest.

EDIT: Just checked a video, I was making the third flagpole so much harder than it needed to be :( Also missed the secret ending...
Also, there is no sound when I play :(

OH, found level 5
(also found the pointless secret at end of first underground section)

Meta have you reached the flagpole, figured it out but cant do it, or havent yet figured out level 5?

Ok, I can get to the bottom step of the flagpole staircase...

21 Sep 2009, 04:17
Cool game, finished in a couple of hours with ~ -200 lives :p
End of level sections were cool, although the 2 flagpoles puzzle was a little easier than the rest.

EDIT: Just checked a video, I was making the third flagpole so much harder than it needed to be :( Also missed the secret ending...
Also, there is no sound when I play :(

OH, found level 5
(also found the pointless secret at end of first underground section)

Noooooooo! I strongly urge people not to go looking @ videos of the game! have some dignity... ;)

Meta have you reached the flagpole, figured it out but cant do it, or havent yet figured out level 5?

About level 5 [Spoiler! maybe] : I got to the flagpole, and tried jumping over it several times but I'm pretty sure that's not the way to go. I was brainstorming for a few minutes, and it occurred to me that this could be the solution; when you reach the falling block, trigger it at the right moment so that the corner hits the first enemy and forces him to turn around walk the opposite way, then follow him carefully, keeping him inside the screen so he doesn't vanish, and at the place with the four Question Mark boxes, jump ahead of him and hit the third box for a red mushroom, then use him to get on top of the grey speaker thing. From there, jump on top of the mushroom and get Big. You can actually jump when you're big, so MAYBE with the amount of terrain there is between you and the flagpole, you can make it as Big Cat and then walk along the upper row of blocks, hence completing the level.

This is fairly difficult and far-fetched, but who knows, these guys don't pull punches when it comes to puzzles! I take it you haven't passed level 5 then?

21 Sep 2009, 13:19
Noooooooo! I strongly urge people not to go looking @ videos of the game! have some dignity... ;)

About level 5 [Spoiler! maybe]

This is fairly difficult and far-fetched, but who knows, these guys don't pull punches when it comes to puzzles! I take it you haven't passed level 5 then?

I only checked the video after I thought I had finished to check I hadn't actually missed anything, obviously I had.
I'm not reading your bright text though as I haven't really got that far yet. I can't figure out the right timing for the mushroom to destroy stuff sensibly

[3rd flagpole SPOILER]For the third flagpole, I was destroying the blocks, killing the turtle, dodging the laser beams, then jumping OVER the flagpole. That was the EASY bit. I then had to get caught about a couple of frames BEFORE he caught the flagpole (for some reason he wouldnt throw the flagpole if he already threw you), if I got caught too early he would throw me over the edge, if I got it just right I would hit the corner and have about 1 frame to jump and save myself before slipping off. It was horrible :( So much easier to kill him with the turtle and completely bypass the laser beams

Ok, made it and read your spoiler. Do you use the mushroom for anything else?

Oh, found it second try, its MUCH easier than you thought :p Just look at what is there that isnt usually and you will probably find the solution by accident like i did
Another clue: You obviously need to walk along the higher line of bricks, think how you can slide down the flagpole but only be stopped half way down

Level 6: Start is hard :(
First half of underground is easier than it looks, just gotta find the right sequence.
End of underground is pretty horrible to figure out
Flagpole is fairly obvious and not too difficult to do.

Level 7 is horrible. Made it to the turtle...

21 Sep 2009, 14:57
Hehe, i got past level 5 right after i told you my crazy complicated idea - it was actually soo easy x)

The i got to the underground part of level 6 and it was just absolute evil! So i went to get something to eat, and when i came back the game had somehow doubled in speed :confused: I couldn't play it like that and couldn't fix it so had to exit. :( I guess i'll try again now....pretty lame that i have to play it all the way through to 6 again though....

As for your level 3 shenannigans.......xD:D:D sounds dreadful, but there's [SPOILER] an easy way to avoid all those yellow....lasers, or whatever they are....you just break the right block and then jump up into it's place. They go neatly around you as you land

Maybe you knew that already, but it seems like a pain in the ass to actually complete the level without triggering them. Ok, better get back into it before you finish the whole damn thing.....

By the way, the sound will only work on old systems like win95. Lame :-/

21 Sep 2009, 16:27
As for your level 3 shenannigans.......xD:D:D sounds dreadful, but there's [SPOILER] an easy way to avoid all those yellow....lasers, or whatever they are....you just break the right block and then jump up into it's place. They go neatly around you as you land

Yeah I found that and another way. Both were far easier than the being thrown part :(
And my pc crashed, so I have to start again...

Level 6 cave tip: Run... keep momentum until you get above checkpoint.

Level 7 is HORRIBLE

EDIT: Level 8, baby :cool:

22 Sep 2009, 01:29
The first underground section of level 6 isn't as bad as it seemed; tricky but not actually a puzzle, just had to keep a light jumping touch. (Again, i passed that after my last post and before yours, but thanks for the hints ^^)

So then i was at the part with the shell enemy and the spike, and the speed doubled again :confused: sucks! You don't get that problem?

I think i read somewhere that after you finish level 8, you can level-select, and there's a "Crazy Mode" or something...(Which would be like a ridiculously sadistic level i'm guessing)

EDIT: Level 7. Also reached the turtle. But what to do now.....eeek he killed me! Crafty little b...

EDIT2: The flagpole of level 7 seems to be complete guesswork! weak...

22 Sep 2009, 03:42
The first underground section of level 6 isn't as bad as it seemed; tricky but not actually a puzzle, just had to keep a light jumping touch. (Again, i passed that after my last post and before yours, but thanks for the hints ^^)

So then i was at the part with the shell enemy and the spike, and the speed doubled again :confused: sucks! You don't get that problem?

I think i read somewhere that after you finish level 8, you can level-select, and there's a "Crazy Mode" or something...(Which would be like a ridiculously sadistic level i'm guessing)

EDIT: Level 7. Also reached the turtle. But what to do now.....eeek he killed me! Crafty little b...

EDIT2: The flagpole of level 7 seems to be complete guesswork! weak...

Given that the flying thing doesnt exist until he's onscreen, you only have a few options for timing...

First room of level 8 is pretty hard
Second room is really short so not too bad
Third room has had me stuck for a couple of hours :( I'm so close to getting the checkpoint flag as well...
And can I give you a spoiler for level 8? It will save you some tears...

22 Sep 2009, 04:26
First room of level 8 is pretty hard
Second room is really short so not too bad
Third room has had me stuck for a couple of hours :( I'm so close to getting the checkpoint flag as well...
And can I give you a spoiler for level 8? It will save you some tears...

I just reached level 8 myself. And I'll certainly be having a crack at it myself - a spoiler would spoil the challenge x) Level 7 wasn't insanely hard, just took quite a few lives to figure it out. Anyway, here goes nuthin'....

22 Sep 2009, 04:33
I just reached level 8 myself. And I'll certainly be having a crack at it myself - a spoiler would spoil the challenge x) Level 7 wasn't insanely hard, just took quite a few lives to figure it out. Anyway, here goes nuthin'....

Ok, fair enough. You will probably figure out what I was going to tell you when you experience it for yourself ;)
Also levels 1-7 are EASYEASYEASY compared to level 8 :(
Let me know when you get bored of the same bit I'm stuck on and I'll give you a hint to make the timing easier...

22 Sep 2009, 04:40
Well let's just see how stuck i get before you sentance me to the same prison cell ;D

Something that's annoying me is that you have to tap Up incredibley delicately to produce a small jump; often i try to tap it as lightly as i can and i still go flying Spikeward. :-/

22 Sep 2009, 04:43
Something that's annoying me is that you have to tap Up incredibley delicately to produce a small jump; often i try to tap it as lightly as i can and i still go flying Spikeward. :-/

Well remember jumping is influenced by your speed. Changing direction can affect it as well but I've never managed to do this on purpose so I'm not sure how exactly

Got the checkpoint :p
Edit2: I'm going to cry... ...for the same thing you told me not to warn you about...

It's 5am, I'm going to bed :(

22 Sep 2009, 05:15
Got the checkpoint :p
Edit2: I'm going to cry... ...for the same thing you told me not to warn you about...

It's 5am, I'm going to bed :(

Well, I'm glad to see how much you've gotten into the game ;)

C'mon people....Play it....You don't stay up till 5 playing something crappy! :D

22 Sep 2009, 06:09
Game kills my display driver and Windows 7 recovers from it >.> never gotten that error before, EVER. Compat. modes don't help either.

22 Sep 2009, 07:08
Game kills my display driver and Windows 7 recovers from it >.> never gotten that error before, EVER. Compat. modes don't help either.

Sorry to hear that.... I don't know why people are getting all these problems when i'm running it on vista, the least well-thought-of system out there.. :-/

23 Sep 2009, 02:22
I got to level 8 with < 50 deaths
I reached room 3 with ~150 deaths :(

How far are you in level 8?

I think I'm too tired, I'll just hope my pc doesn't crash overnight like it almost ALWAYS does...

23 Sep 2009, 04:00
I got to level 8 with < 50 deaths
I reached room 3 with ~150 deaths :(

How far are you in level 8?

I think I'm too tired, I'll just hope my pc doesn't crash overnight like it almost ALWAYS does...

Really wish there was a level select once you beat each level. I got to level 7 with about -30 lives today, and by the end i had -170 :-/ I'm almost completely sure my Up key is faulty, and i'm not just saying that! Anyway i'm back to the first room of 8. Got stuck into something else last night so didn't get any further than here. I've got to the floating dude with the fireballs. EDIT: Everytime i land on him i go into the spikes, without pressing anything he seems to give too much boost....Maybe i'm missing something

EDIT2: I'm on room 3! and I'm soooo close to getting past the spinning fire crap it's ridiculous. Wish me luck x)

EDIT3: Gwaaaaaaaaaaaaah i'm back in room one!!!! You $*%! pipe i hate you level eiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight


Splinter, if you had any mercy you would have forced that spoiler down my throat!!!! Ooooooh this is such a kick in the balls..

EDIT4: Got back up to room 3, then the game speed got messed up again as i was having lunch. :(

23 Sep 2009, 14:20
EDIT3: Gwaaaaaaaaaaaaah i'm back in room one!!!! You $*%! pipe i hate you level eiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight


Splinter, if you had any mercy you would have forced that spoiler down my throat!!!! Ooooooh this is such a kick in the balls..

'lol' :cool:

I've gotten past that pipe once or twice, but only as far as the next bit with spinny things (although I get the impression that is almost the end...)

I was right, I've reached the end bridge and the cat is in sight!

Damn :(

23 Sep 2009, 15:13
'lol' :cool:

I've gotten past that pipe once or twice, but only as far as the next bit with spinny things (although I get the impression that is almost the end...)

I was right, I've reached the end bridge and the cat is in sight!

Yeah i got to the fire things once before i got lured into that horrible pipe :-/

Rock on dude, i have my fingers crossed for you. But i imagine there's some fiendish ending puzzle that will stump you for days to come :cool:

EDIT: And there's no video to help you past THIS one! ( I still feel somewhat cheated that you got help and then overtook me in the game ^^ oh well.. )

23 Sep 2009, 15:20
EDIT: And there's no video to help you past THIS one! ( I still feel somewhat cheated that you got help and then overtook me in the game ^^ oh well.. )

If I hadn't seen that video I would have assumed I'd finished and never played again :p

Anyway, I stood next to the end cat once but have no idea how I got there...
Back in room 1 now anyway :(

23 Sep 2009, 15:46
If I hadn't seen that video I would have assumed I'd finished and never played again :p

Well I would have informed you of your failure after your very first unedited post, and then, shamefaced, you would have had to battle that enigma for hours. ;)

EDIT: Besides, you can't finish the obvious way because you just get your wagon fixed by that old chicken dude. You die and spawn back at the last checkpoint. :p

Back in room 1 now anyway :(

Muhahahaha excellent!!!!! Ahem... Rotten luck old chap :D

23 Sep 2009, 20:24
EDIT: Besides, you can't finish the obvious way because you just get your wagon fixed by that old chicken dude. You die and spawn back at the last checkpoint. :p

When I did it it just ended and went back to the opening screen

24 Sep 2009, 08:31
Oh.. My mistake, they obviously updated it for #2. Kind of silly of them, hugely brings down the chances of anyone playing the added levels that were the point of releasing a second version...