View Full Version : Ammo Counts are unreadable on SDTVs

3 Jul 2009, 11:11
I'm enjoying the game so far, but the choice of red on black/blue means that the colours bleed into each other a bit and the ammo count for my guns are absolutely unreadable on an SD-TV.

Can you please make them white or something? It's kinda frustrating not knowing if I have 1 or 3 mines. :(

3 Jul 2009, 12:00
I concur, I can't tell how much ammo I have on my SD tv either.

3 Jul 2009, 17:25
I have a regular tv and I can't read ammo either.

3 Jul 2009, 20:33
I have a widescreen SDTV and can see them clearly. What size TV you using?

3 Jul 2009, 22:31
I have a 19 inch standard quality tv.

3 Jul 2009, 22:49
Yes I have the same problem, its hard to tell how much health the worms have also. Why can't I zoom in enough to see anything?

3 Jul 2009, 22:51
I have a widescreen SDTV and can see them clearly. What size TV you using?

An 80cm 4:3 TV, but it's also unreadable on the 40cm 4:3 TV in my bedroom. Both are PAL screens.

3 Jul 2009, 22:55
Ive heard switching the screen type to Widescreen in xbox settings helps with some games & difficult text on 4:3 SDTVs. Worth a try at least.

3 Jul 2009, 23:20
Hmm, I've no idea then. If the switching to widescreen on the Xbox settings doesn't work, I suggest investing in a better SDTV (only cheap now), or an LCD/Plasma (sounds crazy for an 800msp game, i know! lol).

3 Jul 2009, 23:34
Eh, W2A is the only game I have issues with on the TVs. Everything else I've played on them looks absolutely fine and is quite readable. I'll try setting it to widescreen mode (Although it may already be set on that as my brother uses the Xbox on his Widescreen monitor when he uses it)

I'll get an LCD/Plasma eventually...but it's definitely out of my budget at the moment.

As a sidenote, I didn't even realise there was a number for the countdown timers for weapons until I played it on his LCD, because they are completely invisible on the SDTV. :-/

4 Jul 2009, 01:09
I can read ammo counts fine, and I'm using an old 90's TV.

4 Jul 2009, 01:50
My TV is from '95 and the loungeroom TV is from around '99. Doesn't change the fact that I can't read it. :/