View Full Version : Battyropes off WormNet possible?

1 Mar 2009, 01:29
I was wondering if it is possible to enable battyropes off of wormnet, mostly because I play with friends in real life. I know on wormnet you type in /batty and whatnot, but is it possible to do it offline?

Also, in the Tweaks folder, besides enabling offline ropeknocking, is there any other tweaks in there I should enable/disable? Not sure what any of those other ones do, besides ropeknocking on..

But all in all, I just want to enable battyropes in a local game, and was wondering if its possible

Thanks for any help! :):):)

1 Mar 2009, 04:29
You can play TestStuff/BattyRope games offline by hosting a LAN or Direct IP game with only one player. The game will allow you to light up and start the game with only one player now, and the game will be considered as "offline" (as in, you will be able to pause the game, etc.)