View Full Version : How do i tweak? :(

18 Jan 2009, 12:17
Ok, when i last played worms 4 mayhem there wasn't any tweaking at the net...I play it now some years later and bang...users always find something new ;) And i want to learn how to tweak...
I mean here is what i don't understand:

1.I read(ed) a tutorial about tweaking in wich it sais to open LOCAL.twk and edit weapons there.Then i read another and it says to read to edit weptweak.twk...what should i edit? I just saw that 'local' contains some more attributes...

2.I want the weapon that i make be the TEAM weapon , wich file should i edit for that ? :>

3.how can i unlock all weapons on myltiplayer, including the artillery (sentry) and fatkins and bovines...you can't buy them, so how do you unlock them?I guess tweak has a finger here :>

Please tell me how to do those 3 things ^.^


18 Jan 2009, 18:55
Glad you ask,

1) Local.xml for team weaspons Weaptwk.xml for in game weapons (Bazooka, Gernade, Banana Bomb, etc.

2) Open Local.xml, the factory weapons are stored there under DATA.LockedWeapons. If you need help, PM me.

3) You need to get ALL the tropies, ALL the challanges, Everything, untill you unlock The sceam: The Kitchen Sink, Sadly I cheated and downloaded a 100% compleate save file form the web.:eek:

so ya:o

19 Jan 2009, 05:20
Don't tweak team weapons. Just don't. Only losing cheaters do that, and most aren't even able to do something original.

4 Feb 2009, 22:11
I'm trying to do some balanced tweaks at home, and its working very well! Now i need to know how to edit the Particles and graphics settings...
Btw... Someone know any set of weapons tweaks to download? I have found some, but they are or too Imba or too Weak... :mad:

5 Feb 2009, 14:39
I have made my owbn particle that is verry amusing, its a giant mushroom cloud that poisons all worm, and emits a shokwave that throws you back a coulpe of feet! it also wmits radiation wich dose -100 damage if you come in contact with it, I might post it on youtube later?

8 Aug 2009, 19:39
Sorry if i resume this old thread.
I just want to ask this:

under DATA.LockedWeapons i can't find my create weapon that is called Terminator.
I can't found it, i would try to edit that, thx for your help.

P.S:= Obviously this tweak won't be use in WormNET.
I'm not a fu****g cheater.

22 Sep 2009, 04:39
Yes you can't you can find only that original creat my team17
I think your team weapons creative are in your save file xom

22 Sep 2009, 05:34
Don't tweak team weapons. Just don't. Only losing cheaters do that, and most aren't even able to do something original.
If you don't bring it online your not. Actually your not suppose to bring any tweaks online.