View Full Version : lets make a happy new year online battle

28 Dec 2008, 21:38
Hey guys! lets make a happy new year online battle...on 31 of december..
to do it we have to bee friends this is my fc 524159092655...
The hour is at 10 o clock at the London hour (This is because a lot of people from the forum are from England...actually Im from mexico so dont think that is because of me)

Is very important to add each other...if not...we wont be able to do it.

The way to do it is this.

We are going to do it four by four because the game only have 4 multiplayer mode....

We cant do exactly a tourment because its very complex ...but we can do something similar...

To identify us each other you have to change your nickname to: Happy battle.

Its very importan that the people tell me if they are going to participate...because with that we can organize it...

If you are agree post yes and your friend code.
You need to add me then i can add you too

29 Dec 2008, 18:19
Ds only but please participate