View Full Version : really strange, the computer doesnt play properly

17 Dec 2008, 22:11
I never remember this being a problem before, but i recently wanted to play so i installed it on my computer and everything, but anyways..

when i play vs the computer most of the rounds it doesnt do anything, it will chose different worms over and over until the round finishes, rarely will it even move or attack. its no fun :(

so im stuck roping haha, i want to play normal too!!!

please help!


18 Dec 2008, 15:44
What schemes are you playing? The AI is only capable of playing Intermediate-like schemes, and it can't use the Ninja Rope.

18 Dec 2008, 23:19
i am using a custom scheme, and i like the ninja rope so its there too

i don't expect the computer to use the rope but, are you saying if i have a custom scheme the AI won't play properly? because i realized that if i have 2 AI teams (on the same team) VS me (1 team) it works a bit better, every now and then they won't make a proper move, but usually they move and play.

but if i have more than 2 of them VS me, they will not play at all properly, and RARELY really play.

i realized this recently so i'm stuck playing vs 2 and giving my team less worms just to make it fun but i would like to add as many teams as i want etc

thank you

27 Dec 2008, 02:37
That's odd. Could you post a replay which displays such behavior?