View Full Version : WormsTweak 2 - New WIP weapon mods

8 May 2008, 03:25
I've been recently doing some experiments with particle effects, and they came out pretty nicely in my opinion. I'm currently making another complete tweak, using my newly discovered stuff to make something really new (≠ bazooka shells that fly straight forward and explode into a chaos of holy grenades).
I'm out of ideas right now, so I think I would post my current work here so you can try and eventually give me a few suggestions on how to make the weapons more balanced. I think a few of them are seriously unbalanced, but I can't think of a way to reduce their damage without ruining the effect.

Download it here (http://w4tweaking.ftp.free.fr/files/upload/wormstweak2.zip).
Since it is using the TWK format, you should use W4ModLauncher (http://forum.team17.co.uk/showthread.php?t=35326) to run it. Just unzip it in Worms 4 Mayhem\WormsMods, start W4ModLauncher, check it in the mods list, and run the game!

Or if you don't want to use it, get directly the XML files here (http://w4tweaking.ftp.free.fr/files/upload/wormstweak2_xml.zip).
Make a backup of the original CamTwk.xml, PartTwk.xml and WeapTwk.xml files from Worms 4 Mayhem\data\Tweak, and replace them with those modified files. Don't forgot to put the original files back whenever you don't want to play with the modified weapons anymore.

Currently modified weapons are:

Poison Arrow
Cluster Bomb
Gas Canister
Banana Bomb
Holy Hand Grenade
Air Strike
Bovine Blitz
Old Woman
Tail Nail

And a few screenies.






8 May 2008, 07:08
You, _Kilburn, are truly the king of Worms Tweaking.

8 May 2008, 10:07
Still haven't checked it yet(but looks awesome!), but have you done my request? (http://forum.team17.co.uk/showpost.php?p=641918&postcount=79)
If you haven't, do it.... Pleeeeaaasseee....

8 May 2008, 10:46
Oh, well, I will give it a try then. But I'm really not sure if it is possible or not, particles can be given a spiral effect, but I don't know if the axis of the spiral can be set relative to the projectile.

Edit: Made a few icons. The C4 one doesn't look very good, I will have to edit a few things.



8 May 2008, 18:17
Wow, _Kilburn! Is there no end to your talent!?

W4 Tweaking, Awesome Gmod Lua Stuff, AWESOME ICONS?!

8 May 2008, 18:38
Umm, yeah. The only ones I have done from scratch are the forcefield builder drone thing and the carpet bombs. The others are Worms 4 and Worms 3D stuff, isolated with their outlines redrawn so they look good in-game, with some additions.

9 May 2008, 20:55

I think i'm gonna get the PC version of Worms 4 Mayhem. I already have the PS2 version.

But your tweaking skills are amazing. First thing i'd do would be to try out your tweaks when i get the PC version.

9 May 2008, 20:59
Yeah, what's bad about console games is you usually can't mod them, or add additional stuff. I usually buy console games only when they aren't available for the PC. :)

13 May 2008, 22:18
Yeah, what's bad about console games is you usually can't mod them, or add additional stuff. I usually buy console games only when they aren't available for the PC. :)

ya me 2...

14 May 2008, 09:23
Yeah, great, glad you all like it. But what about
a few suggestions on how to make the weapons more balanced.

14 May 2008, 10:12
Yeah, great, glad you all like it. But what about
Why don't you just make another version of your W4Mod Launcher but, it'll only limit the power of the weapons?

14 May 2008, 11:01
I don't see why I should limit the power of the weapons. If a weapon destroys a big part of the land, it isn't necessarily unbalanced. So I don't really think I can make an auto-balancing module for my launcher, since it depends on so many parameters.

Also, I couldn't make your effect request, as I predicted, it's impossible. I made something that slightly looks like it, though, I will take a screenshot when I have some time to improve it a little.

14 May 2008, 11:39
I don't see why I should limit the power of the weapons. If a weapon destroys a big part of the land, it isn't necessarily unbalanced. So I don't really think I can make an auto-balancing module for my launcher, since it depends on so many parameters.

Also, I couldn't make your effect request, as I predicted, it's impossible. I made something that slightly looks like it, though, I will take a screenshot when I have some time to improve it a little.
Oh... So anyway, it's okay! At least you tried.:D

26 May 2008, 11:51
Nice to see you have all tried this and given constructive suggestions and criticism about the playability. :cool: Anyway, I'm running out of ideas. I'm trying to find a good replacement for the grenade and the homing missile. Something that wouldn't ruin the grenade too much, since it's one of the most basic weapons. I already feel like I ruined the bazooka, so maybe I will find a better modification for it as well.

27 May 2008, 14:04
great work, i tried it out, its very cool, but i have an question, how do you get that sparkles in there? isnt that particle tweaking? those sparkles like that "BFG 999" (i thought it was called like that?), can you make a tutorial on that? that would be really :cool:! i also think bazzoka is a bit uhm... well... yea.. RUINED, as it bounces around and you cant really see where it will end or explode, but the rest is great work! :p

27 May 2008, 19:06
Will change the bazooka then. Also, yeah, this is particle tweaking, with it you can do lots of advanced stuff such as fire, poison or anything that hurts worms, or simply nice visual effects. Everything is in PartTwk.xml, it works exactly like WeapTwk, only with different properties. Try messing around with some properties, and adding your own particle effects. :)

27 May 2008, 19:09
yea thanks, i just discovered how to make my own effects by giving it names and effects, or how i can add effects to allready made effects! but still another question, which effect ID is for that green sparkles thingy?

27 May 2008, 20:32
A custom effect ID. You can add your own effect exactly like you can add custom clusters in WeapTwk. :)

Also, any suggestions about how I can improve some weapons and make them more balanced? Shame that tweaks are considered as evil l33t h4x here. They really can do no harm since those are not playable online, unless you play with some friends who have the same files as you. Consider those as mods, not cheats for god's sake. Seriously, can't I get a tiny little bit of constructive stuff such as ("I tried this weapon, it was pretty good but...", "This weapon is completely unplayable because...", "Try making this weapon do less damage, it's really overpowered..."), or at least, some feedback? I'm tired of those "OMFG UR AWESOME" comments, they are nice, but completely useless.

28 May 2008, 08:07
ok then... hmmmmmm... maybe that forcefield builder: a bit difficult to steer and you will never know where it will drop a part of this forcefield, maybe (if its possible) you can make it a bit better by adding a function that it doesnt explodes by clicking, but adding a part if the forcefield when youre clicking, and when you cant ad anymore uhm... laserbeamy things, it will explode! but uhh, who did call tweaks or "Evil 1337 h4x" cheats then? and uuuh, i dont know if you allready know it, but maybe the c4 icon looks a bit better with thicker lines! there you have some suggestions!

28 May 2008, 10:24
ok then... hmmmmmm... maybe that forcefield builder: a bit difficult to steer and you will never know where it will drop a part of this forcefield, maybe (if its possible) you can make it a bit better by adding a function that it doesnt explodes by clicking, but adding a part if the forcefield when youre clicking, and when you cant ad anymore uhm... laserbeamy things, it will explode! but uhh, who did call tweaks or "Evil 1337 h4x" cheats then? and uuuh, i dont know if you allready know it, but maybe the c4 icon looks a bit better with thicker lines! there you have some suggestions!

Good idea, but I'm afraid I can't do that, sorry. The forcefield builder is made with a particle emitter that emits a part of the forcefield every 3 seconds, and I can't force it to emit on a key press. :( And well since the forcefield has a large radius of effect, I think precision isn't really important. :p

Yeah, I've already done the C4 icon with thicker lines, and it looks a lot better.

And tweaks aren't supported by Team17 and since they have many limitations, most people tend to think you can't really do anything interesting with them.
Also, I don't know if you have already tried playing online, but there have been many people using tweaked weapon factory weapons. Yes, this is possible, by modifying another file. And you can use them anywhere, against anyone you want, as long as the scheme allows weapon factory weapons. I've been doing that myself for a while, then stopped because it was way too unfair. Most people, however, will never stop, and they keep ruining the game with their cheap weapons that destroy the whole land.
And this is how most people now tend to think tweaks are cheats. And that's pretty sad.

Anyway, thanks for giving some suggestions. I need more though, one person giving criticism really isn't enough.

28 May 2008, 10:56
well, it was a suggestion, but thats why i never play online at worms, at first : there are to much of that tweakers with their unfair weapons, and at second, i dont play any online game, i do play worms on LAN with my brother sometimes, but never at online games. but eehh, i am now not really giving any suggestions, im trying to learn more about particle tweaking, i am allready a bit good in it :D!

2 Oct 2008, 18:46
Bumpity bump, just for the sake of it. Though I can't tweak right now, suggestions and feedback are always welcome.

Navy Seal
8 Oct 2008, 13:29
Its awesome but the link is broken so I can't download it can you renew the link?

9 Oct 2008, 19:49
Oops, sorry, it's fixed now. :p

Navy Seal
11 Oct 2008, 18:00
Thanks :D
Is it contain anything about pipegun?

12 Oct 2008, 12:15
Who cares about the Pipe Gun? It's just a model, nobody knows what it is, and even if it existed, it would be probably a boring weapon, else Team17 wouldn't have taken it out.

12 Oct 2008, 13:52
The pipegun was most likely similar to the blowdart weapon in Worms3D: this was replaced with the Poisoned Arrow.

12 Oct 2008, 17:48
Why do people keep getting confused between "Blowpipe" and "Pipe Gun"? :p

13 Oct 2008, 10:32
Why do people keep getting confused between "Blowpipe" and "Pipe Gun"? :p

Note, I said similar. The Pipe Gun sounds like a faster, more accurate version of the Poison Arrow. Kind of like a crossbow vs a longbow.

13 Oct 2008, 11:18
Note, I said similar. The Pipe Gun sounds like a faster, more accurate version of the Poison Arrow.
In today's lesson, we learn why basing an object off just it's name alone is not a good idea. For example, note how the Pipe Gun model looks more like something used for construction than it does as an advanced blowpipe.

jelly worm
13 Oct 2008, 19:05
Yeah, what's bad about console games is you usually can't mod them, or add additional stuff. I usually buy console games only when they aren't available for the PC. :)

your one of the cobras arent you. I have seen your web page. there is one little proplem. there are some things I cant download on your web page

14 Oct 2008, 19:48
Hell, no, I'm not.

14 Oct 2008, 20:09
Cobras tend to host stuff on their site from other people, not just from their own clan.

jelly worm
16 Oct 2008, 17:00
Hell, no, I'm not.

oopsy!!! I thought it because they have some download thing and it is named kilburn pack

16 Oct 2008, 22:04
Is there anyway to use the pipegun for something without .xom file swapping?

17 Oct 2008, 16:49
oopsy!!! I thought it because they have some download thing and it is named kilburn pack

Yeah, I've been helping them a little for their mods, that's why you can find some of my old stuff over there.

Is there anyway to use the pipegun for something without .xom file swapping?

As far as I know, no. Heh, it's just a freaking broken model, why are you guys so excited about it?

12 Nov 2008, 21:36
How about making a cluster weapon, and the clusters are oildrums. Unless you can make the minefactory produce oildrums instead.
I like the forcefield builder by the way. :cool:

13 Nov 2008, 16:39
How about making a cluster weapon, and the clusters are oildrums. Unless you can make the minefactory produce oildrums instead.

As far as I know, there is no way to create oildrums other than making them appear at random locations. :( Since the gamemode scripts appear not to have proper vector support, you can't decide exactly where to spawn what.

I like the forcefield builder by the way. :cool:

Well, thank you. It could have been better if I had some more time to work on it though.
I've got to say, my own preferred weapon is the BFG 9999, I spent some god damn time on the visual effects.

26 Nov 2008, 19:14
You are incredible Kilburn. Congratulations! Great weapons and great effects!

29 Nov 2008, 08:50
Excuse my double post, i didn't have the possibility to modify my post.
However, is it possible to make something like the Patsy's Magic Bullet of Worms World Party? And is it possible to add the French imn to the French Sheep Strke (tweaked in W4M) like in Worms World Party? It should be great!!!
I can't do those amazing things like you do, kilburn,(well i can but i haven't so much time in cause of the school) Thanks if you will reply and try :)

29 Nov 2008, 13:08
However, is it possible to make something like the Patsy's Magic Bullet of Worms World Party?
Good question; mostly because the Team Weapon can. I wonder if it's possible to mod that into another wearpon...

29 Nov 2008, 19:24
Good question; mostly because the Team Weapon can. I wonder if it's possible to mod that into another wearpon...Do you mean with the Advanced Homing feature? As far i know is not possible to tweak tea weapon (or am i wrong?).

30 Nov 2008, 09:29
Anything that can be done with the Team Weapon can easily be done by tweaking normal weapons.

And is it possible to add the French imn to the French Sheep Strke (tweaked in W4M) like in Worms World Party?

Well, no. I've searched for some unused sound files (like the sticky hopper beep), and the French hymn wasn't part of them. :(

1 Dec 2008, 16:12
Anything that can be done with the Team Weapon can easily be done by tweaking normal weapons.

Well, no. I've searched for some unused sound files (like the sticky hopper beep), and the French hymn wasn't part of them. :( :( I am sad, the thing i liked much was exactly the hymn when the sheeps come down! :( Well, can you please tell me where to put the advanced homing feature at a tweaked weapon? I am wondering where can be that feature, because i can't find it. :confused:

3 May 2009, 00:42
Anything that can be done with the Team Weapon can easily be done by tweaking normal weapons.

Well, no. I've searched for some unused sound files (like the sticky hopper beep), and the French hymn wasn't part of them. :(

Can you help me? I want the bazooka and I don't want that ''health crate that explodes'', the rest is really good, but I don't see the icons change, like for Air Strike I don't see the carpets Icon. żGet It? How can I fix this?

5 May 2009, 17:59
Um..it is good
Nice work

6 May 2009, 19:09
What? The Pipegun not exist?! I thought that gun exist really..........................

7 May 2009, 01:29
What? The Pipegun not exist?! I thought that gun exist really..........................
No. The model for it exists, but the actual gun was either never made or completely cut from the game.
Saying it exists is about the same as saying that a car without an engine is still a working vehicle.

16 May 2009, 00:24
Wow, great job, of course, I already saw it.

27 May 2009, 18:16
Hi again.I`ve been in a forum that _Kilburn was there.I saw a video from one guy in his forum.In one of the weapons,a health crate explodes,and was the "unlimited damager health crates"(Like I call it XD) Anyway,was cool.
Can somebody tell me the name of that,I maen example:WXP_...
I want to test it in my weapons.

27 May 2009, 18:17
One thing more:
_Kilburn,Do you hate the super-special weapons or just you like your tweaks?

11 Jun 2009, 05:49
Kilburn, is there a way to extend how long the fire last in your chili con carnage weapon. I've been wanting to change it but I don't know how.

19 Sep 2009, 20:57
Well, Kilburn, all weapons are excelent, but i think the Bazooka is ruined :-/
I suggest you to change it to a "Air Bazooka", doing really small damage (10 or 15) but with a great terrain and pushback. The project could be some invisible particle (not totally invisible) that would make a great pushback on the way she goes and destroys the terrain where she pass (a non-stopabble type of projectile) and would continue for some distance until disappears. I have no suggestions to grenade, but the BFG 9999 it's a veeeeery good weapon. Well done ! :D
Sorry for my english, i'm brazillian.

22 Sep 2009, 04:01
Well, Kilburn, all weapons are excelent, but i think the Bazooka is ruined :-/Ya, I think it is. I prefer the normal bazooka.
I have no suggestions to grenadeDo you know what I did with my grenade, Every time it exploded a seagull appears. You can also make it rain when a weapon explodes. so you can have rain on any map you want. Or you can even make one of those flood thunder storms.

Are you planning on making another weapon pack. I hope you are. I enjoy playing with weapons from both you your packs.

23 Sep 2009, 19:51
:D The weapons are great, I do tweaking myself. From unlimited shotgun bullets to replacing fatkinstrike with a large 8Ball. I need hud's for your new weapons and if you don't mind i need a new "object_beans.XOM" since i acsedentely deleted mine.. :p

24 Sep 2009, 08:47
and if you don't mind i need a new "object_beans.XOM" since i acsedentely deleted mine.. :pHere is your beans - http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?jmddgjjagyw

27 Sep 2009, 08:43
Kilburn, is there a way to extend how long the fire last in your chili con carnage weapon. I've been wanting to change it but I don't know how.Never mind I finally figured it out. I actually sent you a pm about it five days ago _Kilburn. You can delete the pm now. Somewhere on the forum this week I found out you don't check your pm's often.