View Full Version : Sound off

8 Feb 2008, 00:30
It might be a noob question, but is it possible to kill the sounds completely during the game? I mean not just the music but the sound of worms and weapons. It was possible in W:A, but in WWP I can only turn off the music at the options screen.
I would like to use Skype during the game so turning off my speakers isn't a solution. :)

Thanking you in advance!

8 Feb 2008, 11:25
Impossible unless you replace all the game's sound files with blank ones. But obviously you can't quickly switch the sound back on then.

Why don't you just stick to WA?

8 Feb 2008, 11:32
Actually I have already tried to delete/move the sound files to an other director for a while but the speech files are read from the cd, so... :)