View Full Version : leaderboards....

6 Dec 2007, 03:56
something very strange is going on in the leaderboards at the moment? it seems a new glitch needs fixing, but 16 people have suddenly rocketed past crookAI on the ongoing leaderboards with very unrealistic scores....

29 Dec 2007, 21:51
Happened to me... I just played one match and all of a sudden my score was like that.

It went back to normal when I just kept playing.

8 Jan 2008, 18:47
me too, i was 11th one day and the next i was 1108

11 Jan 2008, 16:50
Disappointing really

I was hovering around 45th now I'm 90-odd and no-one above CrookAI has a valid score (that's around 45 places!)

I was up to 20th before they reset the leaderboards last time around

Can this not be sorted without resetting again?

22 Jan 2008, 18:58
Disappointing really

I was hovering around 45th now I'm 90-odd and no-one above CrookAI has a valid score (that's around 45 places!)

I was up to 20th before they reset the leaderboards last time around

Can this not be sorted without resetting again?

XBLA Worms has been abandoned by T17. I wouldn't expect any more changes or fixes (until it's time to sell the sequel, I suppose).