View Full Version : Buy on CD

11 Aug 2007, 21:19
Is it possible to buy the game on CD or can I only download it? I'd happily pay extra.

11 Aug 2007, 21:30
This game is only available over the XBox 360 Live Arcade, not on DVD (XBoxes don't use CDs, as far as I'm aware).

Seeing as the download from XBLA is only 50Mb (plus the extra download packs, some of which cost extra), it would be a bit of a waste of a 650Mb CD, or 4.7Gb DVD, wouldn't it ;)

11 Aug 2007, 23:15
It's a waste to buy on xbox live because

1. I can't buy exactly the number of points that I want to buy the game, so the game ends up costing me more than it should
2. Because of the DRM associated with downloaded games, my usage is more restricted through downloads that through games owned/played on DVD

So, in the end, I'd much rather purchase the game on DVD than download it, even if I have to pay a premium... Simply because I get more out of owning the disk.

Anyway, from what I'm seeing, it looks like it's not possible... just thought I'd ask... Been a worms fan for years, If there's any game that will make me buy MS Points, this will be it.

12 Aug 2007, 12:13
1. I can't buy exactly the number of points that I want to buy the game, so the game ends up costing me more than it should
So, instead of having points left over that add to the next time you buy points for XBLA, you'd prefer to spend up the points straight away by paying extra?

13 Aug 2007, 07:06
I have read on a couple sites of a technique to get any xbla game on a disc. However it would require alot of time, skill, and adapters for the 360 hard drive. its alot of work. I never tried it because I am happy with my 120gb hdd on my xbox.

13 Aug 2007, 19:07
Yes. Not to mention that you'd have to first download the game anyway!

13 Aug 2007, 21:04
Yes. Not to mention that you'd have to first download the game anyway!

of course, this method was brought up for those people who don't have a hard drive on thier 360. They could download the games onto thier memory card, use an adapter to transfer to pc, then burn them all to dvd.