View Full Version : Utility key changed?

30 Jun 2007, 08:16
Hello, last time i checked, the hot-key used to select utilities was ` (at least in my keyboard)

But now with it's been changed to º

Is this on purpose? Did i miss the line where you told about it in the readme? :x

besides from that, and once again great work on the latest update.

30 Jun 2007, 08:39
It's in the readme:

The utility selection hotkey, intended to be the key located between Escape, Tab and 1, is now bound to that key regardless of the currently active keyboard layout. To revert to the old behavior, using the current layout's grave accent ( ` ) key for utility selection, import LegacyUtilityKey_On.reg (from the Tweaks folder) into your system registry.The utility hotkey was always meant to be the key above Tab. The grave accent key (`) fits this description in the US and UK layouts, but not in most other layouts. Does "the key above Tab" correctly describe the º key on your keyboard?

BTW, regarding something you've previously asked about... I plan to move all of the localized (translated/translatable) text out of the EXE and into text files which the EXE will read. This will make it much easier to localize new strings, in particular the ones that are currently only shown in English.

And, thanks for the complement. :)

30 Jun 2007, 12:27
Argh, i did miss it lol
Thanks for the answer. The º key is indeed below Escape and above Tab in my keyboard.

And i had almost forgotten about that last part hehehe

30 Jun 2007, 12:36
That one should be called WyvernIsUnableToAdaptToNewStuffKey_On.reg. :)

30 Jun 2007, 19:50
Ahem, I haven't been able to get used to the switch yet either. Be strong, Martin!

Or someone could create a third .reg file that makes both keys work. Note to self brought to you by.

Heya, OoO.