View Full Version : Hola, una pregunta; Hi, I have a question

22 Apr 2007, 20:08
Bueno el tema es el siguiente: cuando hago roper y me tiro para empujar a los worms, no se mueven se quedan en el lugar, en vez de empujarlo.. podrian ayudarme?? gracias

Good the topic is the following one: when I do roper and throw myself to push the worms, they do not move remain in the place, instead of pushing it .. you can help my?? Thank you


22 Apr 2007, 20:20
Can someone translate this?

If you are playing online games, make sure you are in channel #AnythingGoes

With offline games, if you have the latest update, you can run in your WA folder "OfflineRopeKnocking_On.reg" and it will work

On LAN games, it is currently impossible

22 Apr 2007, 22:50
Okay, he says rope knocking is not working. I'll help this guy, I can speak spanish.

Callamullo, te refieres a cuando juegas rope offline cierto? Tienes que parchar el juego y junto con el parche vienen unas llaves de registro que al correrlas te permiten empujar a tus worms en rope offline.

Mejor te subo la clave del registro que debes importar en el registro.


Tipeas regedit y le das aceptar. Luego anda arriba y importa esta clave de registro y luego pruebas denuevo Worms.

22 Apr 2007, 23:31
You didn't have to attach the file, though. It's installed together with the beta updates.

23 Apr 2007, 01:28
Furthermore, I don't think you should have attached the file because if someone who wasn't updated tried to use it, it wouldn't work and they would be even more confused.

23 Apr 2007, 14:32
Also Mir you're explaining him the hard way imo, double clicking the keyfile is enough to import it to the registry in most cases.

23 Apr 2007, 14:40
:D Thanx Muzer, Mirux, thanx all, for help me, i now can play like on-line, pushing the worms... THANX its done :D

:D Muchas Gracias, Gracias a todos, por ayudarme, ahora puedo jugar como en on-line, empujando a los worms... GRACIAS es todo :D

23 Apr 2007, 19:14
:( Hi now I have another problem, when I have a worm up my, and I jump him, does not leave me says ohh but does not move it another worm, someone can help me... Thank you

Hola ahora tengo otro problema, cuando tengo un worm arriba mio, y le salto, no me deja dice ohh pero no lo mueve al otro worm, alguien me puede ayudar... Gracias

24 Apr 2007, 14:55
:( Hi now I have another problem, when I have a worm up my, and I jump him, does not leave me says ohh but does not move it another worm, someone can help me... Thank you

Hola ahora tengo otro problema, cuando tengo un worm arriba mio, y le salto, no me deja dice ohh pero no lo mueve al otro worm, alguien me puede ayudar... Gracias

Errm, muestrame como se ve, un pantallazo?

25 Apr 2007, 01:37
if your not sure then could you please try and translate what he asked to english? 'cause it's pretty hard to know what he is asking since the auto translation or whatever has kinda screwed what he meant to say up.

25 Apr 2007, 18:45
He's asking why jumping below a worm the worm says "oooh" but doesn't move.

The answer is too obvious, the worm is blocked by a roof, but I'm not sure I understood it correctly.

26 Apr 2007, 03:11
if you stand in the correct position under a worm and press jump, the worm above can act as a roof.

26 Apr 2007, 13:08
Please don't miss inform, if under a worm and jumping the worm above will never work as a roof. Unless of course you're not really under him, in that case jumping and hitting head with head will result in a roof, but the worm won't say "oooh" like OP claims (edit: Yes, the worm jumping will say something, but not the other worm which I thought was the one being discussed)

26 Apr 2007, 13:40
oO, the replay demonstrates at the beginning that you can jump under a worm and make the oof noise without moving the other worm.

26 Apr 2007, 14:24
franpa and yakuza, thanx for the info, i now understand waths happen... thanx for the video franpa, thanx all ;)

26 Apr 2007, 19:20
oO, the replay demonstrates at the beginning that you can jump under a worm and make the oof noise without moving the other worm.

Reread what I said, you're not under the worm in the second jump. You're next to him and the heads, which are bigger than the tail, hit each other.

26 Apr 2007, 20:40
man i dunno, might be that i speak both english and spanish, but thinking in english (which i usually do) i dont see the difficulty in understanding the english parts of callamullo's posts...theyre not in the best english but theyre good enough to understand lol

26 Apr 2007, 21:00
It's only post #8 that I couldn't understand.

26 Apr 2007, 23:11
Reread what I said, you're not under the worm in the second jump. You're next to him and the heads, which are bigger than the tail, hit each other.

from your grammar it looks like you said that both there heads where colliding, but since i also suck at grammar, i am sorry for the misunderstanding.

and yes, post #8 was the confusing post.

30 Apr 2007, 14:36
man i dunno, might be that i speak both english and spanish, but thinking in english (which i usually do) i dont see the difficulty in understanding the english parts of callamullo's posts...theyre not in the best english but theyre good enough to understand lol

Thanx for defend my, its true my english is not too good, because i am from Argentina,... thanx for the answer's, bye