View Full Version : Extra Achievements

6 Mar 2007, 17:23
Here's a question I don't think anybody has posed yet.

Now that Microsoft has laid down the law and said that extra achievements can be included as part of downloadable content (as long as this content is free) will we see the possibility of Worms being one of the first titles to implement this with things like new challenges?

6 Mar 2007, 22:07
as far as i know thats retail games only and arcade game will always be limited to 200 points.

6 Mar 2007, 22:19
nope, theyve raised it to allowing 250 now
worms has 200

7 Mar 2007, 09:03
WorminItUp is correct. Arcade games can now have an extra 50 points worth of achievements in downloadable content, as long is this content is free.