View Full Version : I have a problem

21 Feb 2007, 11:22
First, excuse me for my lame English, i'm Dutch.

Second, here is my problem:

When i run the game, everything goes normal, but when i choose
the option left of the network option, a errow window appears with the text: 'A unnamed file was not found', and the game closes.

This is what i have tried already:

-Clean the disk (Carefully)
-Check the website
-Install the patch
-Installed the game again.

I use a legal version, and around a year ago, the game
runned perfectly.
I hope one of you can help me!

21 Feb 2007, 13:50
Is there anything major you've done between now and when it worked?

Also, what are your system's specifications?

And your English is good, better than some English speakers on here who insist on saying "how r u? wot r u doin?"

21 Feb 2007, 16:17
My system specs are better than the computer on whic
i runned the game before, so, that can't be the problem ofcourse.

The only 'mayor thing' i've done between the time that the game runned good and now, is that i have a better computer now.

21 Feb 2007, 16:42
My system specs are better than the computer on whic
i runned the game before, so, that can't be the problem ofcourse.

The only 'mayor thing' i've done between the time that the game runned good and now, is that i have a better computer now.

That exactly probably is the problem here

21 Feb 2007, 17:57
How can that be the problem?

21 Feb 2007, 20:17
I dunno much about pc's..yet, or Worms 2, but as I understood if you got too powerful computer for old game it might not work. I might be wrong :p

21 Feb 2007, 21:29
Yeah. A lot of old games don't work with newer stuff. For example, W2, WA and WWP all don't work with the NVIDIA 8800 cards, as they stop supporting older technologies to save costs or just by mistake that older games rely on.

22 Feb 2007, 08:55
Okay, thanks for your help.
I think i gonna buy Worms Mayhem.

22 Feb 2007, 11:12
Nooo...Mayhem is 3d and I got it and...it sucks. Dont bother, besides WA is much better :p, get that, costs like...5 bucks

22 Feb 2007, 17:53
Instead of making people buy other games, tell them to search the forums for their problem. Granted, there isn't much about this one, but here's one thread that seems related.
