View Full Version : Why does this happen? (multiplayer issues...)

27 Dec 2006, 19:57
Until few days ago, a friend and I had no trouble whatsoever in playing TCP/IP over Hamachi.

The problems started yesterday. Sometimes, at the very beginning of the game, either of these two things happens:

-Each of us would receive a message in the chat window that the other has disconnected due to desynchronisation. To me, his worms will appear as though they were surrendering. Same with me to him.

-When he clicks on the light bulb to signify that he is ready, he would get a "Parameter is incorrect" error message. His light bulb will still register on my screen, though. When I start the game, he would just stay in the menu, while I will be in the game with a "Waiting for players" message appearing on top.

Yesterday, this occurred on several maps, and we had to change the maps several times until we got to a map that worked fine for both.

Today, we can only play on random maps (which sucks, because these maps SUCK), and we are unable to play on any of the pre-made maps.

What is the problem?

Neither of us has made any changes to the game itself. The only thing I did was copy the .exe file from a friend (same version) to my Worms:A directory, because an inadequate Microsoft Malicious Software Removal Tool deleted nearly all my .exe files...

27 Dec 2006, 20:38
How about re-install game ? Or..did you maybe download the game, then in that case, go away

27 Dec 2006, 20:48
That sounds a little hostile...

But yes, it might be worth a try reinstalling if you haven't already done so, since I've not heard of these rather strange problems before (and reinstalling usually helps). But if that's too much hassle then stick around and wait and someone might come along with better advice

27 Dec 2006, 22:03
did you maybe download the game, then in that case, go away
Ever heard of this?

27 Dec 2006, 23:43
But see, he writes they play over LAN with hamachi, if they had original version why just not play over WormNET. I play downloaded games over LAN with hamachi cos u cant play em online. You cant play wwp online if you have downloaded already installed game files with crack, you can if you....well whatever. So I assume he dl'ed it and it cant be helped

27 Dec 2006, 23:59
But see, he writes they play over LAN with hamachi, if they had original version why just not play over WormNET. I play downloaded games over LAN with hamachi cos u cant play em online. You cant play wwp online if you have downloaded already installed game files with crack, you can if you....well whatever. So I assume he dl'ed it and it cant be helped
Just because YOU abuse Hamachi for illegal activities only doesn't mean others do so.

Perhaps he has obscure network settings or restrictions by his admin that he can't host/join via Wormnet at all.
Perhaps he just doesn't want to see all the morons on Wormnet.

You obviously didn't get the meaning behind the "presumption of innocence"...

BTW, while he never said that he did anything illegal you just admitted it.

28 Dec 2006, 00:13
So ? Everyone dl's games, I bet even you do. If not games, maybe music, pictures, videos anything. ADMIT IT !! And stop those excuses, its obvious that he DOES have dl'ed the game

28 Dec 2006, 00:21
Hamachi is perfectly normal to use when you want to play with someone, and neither of you can't host. Distrance is just making a forum troll out of himself. Furthermore, this is the W:A forum, while Distrance speaks of WWP.

Desynchronization errors appear when the game has detected that somehow, whatever is happening on your screen isn't the same as what's happening on another player's screen, and disconnects to prevent confusion and strange crashes. This can be caused by Hamachi's networking - I'm not sure how it works, but it might cause loss of data.

If you are unable to host normally, you can also try using WormNAT (http://worms.thecybershadow.net/wormnat/).

28 Dec 2006, 00:23
oh whups, well I meant wa, its the same

28 Dec 2006, 00:57
Thanks, everyone! :)

I will reinstall and see if that helps.

However, I'd like to preserve all my team stats. Which files/dirs should I backup before reinstalling?

28 Dec 2006, 01:17
the "user" folder found in your w:a folder

28 Dec 2006, 08:13
the "user" folder found in your w:a folder


did... did i just see what i think i saw?

(okay i'll leave you alone from now on :P )

28 Dec 2006, 09:14
yea i provided some info thats correct for once :P

28 Dec 2006, 11:43
So ? Everyone dl's games, I bet even you do. If not games, maybe music, pictures, videos anything. ADMIT IT !! And stop those excuses, its obvious that he DOES have dl'ed the game
Only stupid people talk about their illegal activities on a public forum.
yea i provided some info thats correct for once :P
Hehe! :D
And you almost used one of the forum smilies.