View Full Version : What is the size of a WA map?

6 Dec 2006, 18:32
Ive been making maps for WA and putting them in the "IMPORT" folder but I was wondering what the exact size of a WA map is so that I can make them and I don't have to stretch or centre them much.


Alien King
6 Dec 2006, 18:33
1920 x 696

6 Dec 2006, 18:35
Thanks muchly :) :) :) :) :)

6 Dec 2006, 18:38
You'll probably want to read this if you want to slap your images into the game: http://wiki.thecybershadow.net/Colour_map

However, there's much more to creating maps that actually play well. Just a little warning.

8 Dec 2006, 22:57
:P map maker!

18 Feb 2007, 22:31
will there ever be support for giant/large maps for example 4096x4096 (or something like that). .

i'm playing W:A @ 1920x1200 on my monitor, and in levels like caverns, it runs letterbox, due to the "lower" resolution of 1920x696.

Plus it would be fun to have larger maps.

Alien King
18 Feb 2007, 22:36
http://forum.team17.co.uk/showthread.php?t=31403 - mentions it, I think.

Yes, I believe there will be support for larger maps, but not for a little while yet.

There are a number of other threads on the coming updates and stuff, if you would care to use the search function.

18 Feb 2007, 23:06
The bigger maps are coming in the next patch....when ever that is. (Hopfully soon as they said they're trying to release now but being held back by a few bugs popping up relating to these new bigger map supports)

19 Feb 2007, 00:25
From the latest alpha readme:
It is now possible to play on PNG maps having dimensions other than 1920×696. A cavern map may now be up to 32760 pixels wide or 32600 pixels tall; an island is limited to being 28664 wide or 30552 tall; the minimum map size is 640×32.

19 Feb 2007, 04:54
To complete the redundancy of information in this thread, I'll post this link:


19 Feb 2007, 05:36
To complete the redundancy of information in this thread, I'll post this link:


Already posted, but that doesn't matter if you really want some redundancy :rolleyes:

19 Feb 2007, 08:04
where? cybershadow was the first to post that link in this thread.

19 Feb 2007, 08:39


24 Feb 2007, 05:10
From the latest alpha readme:
It is now possible to play on PNG maps having dimensions other than 1920×696. A cavern map may now be up to 32760 pixels wide or 32600 pixels tall; an island is limited to being 28664 wide or 30552 tall; the minimum map size is 640×32.

so does that mean there will be an option in the future to have W:A random generate larger maps ( or give us the option to choose random map size; ie small / med / lg / giant)

24 Feb 2007, 07:45
Definitely. As for now, however, this is planned as a part of 4.0's advanced map editor.