View Full Version : Movie and ripping w:a

5 Dec 2006, 18:32
hi ,
what program i have to record the worms movie ? i Use alls but i don't see anything , like made a screen...I dont want replay , i want to rip the worms to make my own movie about it.

thx , Vay.

5 Dec 2006, 18:40
Uh, I can't help you with the recording program, but if you want the worms sprites, then you don't need to rip them. You can just go here:


This has most (if not all) of the sprites in Worms Armageddon.

5 Dec 2006, 18:44
But i still need program to record the w:a replays and make my own movie.

thx , Vay.

5 Dec 2006, 18:56
Use Fraps (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fraps).

6 Dec 2006, 02:29
right click the replays and choose to "export the video..." -.-'

edit: fraps is good xD

6 Dec 2006, 04:37
the exp[ort video option is sadly limited atm to still pictures which you will need to reassemble in say Virtualdub.

Fraps is a better choice for movies so far.

15 Dec 2006, 10:37
If you don't need the ingame audio (which you could always add later in your video tool directly from the SFX folder) the "export video" functionality is the better way, since Fraps has a watermark if you don't register/buy it.

15 Dec 2006, 13:41
true, forgot about that (it also has a 30 second limit) and yeah I have a few probs with fraps slowin down sometimes too!:p